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A/P Days
A/P DaysWhat is A/P Days? A/P Days counts the average number of days it takes for a company to fulfill an invoice from suppliers or vendors for orde ...
A/R Days
A/R DaysWhat is A/R Days? The A/R Days measures the approximate number of days in which a company needs to retrieve cash from customers that paid us ...
Ability to Pay Analysis (ATP)
Ability to Pay Analysis (ATP)What is Ability to Pay Analysis? Ability-to-Pay Analysis (ATP) is a method used by private equity investors to guide pricing and determine t ...
Absolute Priority Rule (APR)
Absolute Priority Rule (APR)What is the Absolute Priority Rule (APR)? The Absolute Priority Rule (APR) refers to the underlying principle dictating the order of claims ...
Absorption Rate
Absorption RateWhat is the Absorption Rate? The Absorption Rate is a measure of supply and demand in the commercial real estate market, most often segmente ...
Accounting Equation
Accounting EquationWhat is the Accounting Equation? The Accounting Equation is a fundamental principle that states assets must equal the sum of liabilities and ...
Accounting Interview Questions
Accounting Interview QuestionsCommon Accounting Interview Questions In the following post, we’ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked accounting questions f ...
Accounting Rate of Return
Accounting Rate of ReturnWhat is Accounting Rate of Return? The Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) is the average net income earned on an investment (e.g. a fixed asset ...
Accounts Payable
Accounts PayableWhat is Accounts Payable? Accounts Payable is a current liability recognized on the balance sheet to measure the unpaid bills owed to suppli ...
Accounts Payable Turnover
Accounts Payable TurnoverWhat is Accounts Payable Turnover? The Accounts Payable Turnover is a working capital ratio used to measure how often a company repays credi ...
Accounts Receivable (A/R)
Accounts Receivable (A/R)What is Accounts Receivable? Accounts Receivable (A/R) is defined as payments owed to a company by its customers for products and/or service ...
Accounts Receivable Turnover
Accounts Receivable TurnoverWhat is Accounts Receivable Turnover? The Accounts Receivable Turnover is a working capital ratio used to estimate the number of times per y ...
Accretion/Dilution Analysis
Accretion/Dilution AnalysisAn important part of investment banking is understanding mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Within M&A, One of the core models investment banking analysts and associates have to build when analyzing an acquisition is the accretion/dilution ...
AccrualWhat are Accruals? Accruals describe revenues earned and expenses incurred on the income statement, irrespective of whether cash was actuall ...
Accrual Accounting vs. Cash-Basis Accounting
Accrual Accounting vs. Cash-Basis AccountingAccrual Accounting vs. Cash-Basis Accounting: What is the Difference? Under Accrual Accounting, revenue is recognized once earned, and expen ...
Accrued Expense vs. Accounts Payable
Accrued Expense vs. Accounts PayableWhat is Accrued Expense vs. Accounts Payable? Accrued Expense and Accounts Payable each refer to unfulfilled 3rd party payments, but for acc ...
Accrued Expenses
Accrued ExpensesWhat are Accrued Expenses? Accrued Expenses refer to a company’s incurred expenses related to employee wages or utilities yet to be pa ...
Accrued Interest
Accrued InterestWhat is Accrued Interest? Accrued Interest represents an unfulfilled interest expense amount still owed by a borrower to a lender as of a pa ...
Accrued Wages
Accrued WagesWhat are Accrued Wages? Accrued Wages represent the unmet employee compensation remaining at the end of a reporting period, i.e. the balance ...
Accumulated Deficit
Accumulated DeficitWhat is an Accumulated Deficit? The Accumulated Deficit line item arises when a company’s cumulative profits to date have become negative, w ...
Accumulated Depreciation
Accumulated DepreciationWhat is Accumulated Depreciation? Accumulated Depreciation reflects the cumulative reduction in the carrying value of a fixed asset (PP& ...
Acid Test Ratio
Acid Test RatioWhat is Acid Test Ratio? The Acid Test Ratio, or “quick ratio”, is used to determine if the value of a company’s short-ter ...
Acquisition Financing
Acquisition FinancingWhat is Acquisition Financing? Acquisition Financing refers to the initial capital sources obtained to fund the purchase of a target busines ...
Activation Rate
Activation RateWhat is Activation Rate? The Activation Rate (%) represents the percentage of users that complete a specific action defined by a SaaS compan ...
Active vs. Passive Investing
Active vs. Passive InvestingWhat is Active vs. Passive Investing? Active vs Passive Investing is a long-standing debate within the investment community, with the centra ...
Activist Investor
Activist InvestorWhat is an Activist Investor? An Activist Investor seeks to be the catalyst of a turnaround of an underperforming publicly-traded company to ...
Activity Ratio
Activity RatioWhat is Activity Ratio? An Activity Ratio is a measure of operating efficiency, with regard to a company’s capacity to utilize its ass ...
Add-On Acquisition
Add-On AcquisitionWhat is an Add On Acquisition? An Add On Acquisition in private equity refers to the purchase of a smaller-sized target by an existing portf ...
Additional Paid-In Capital (APIC)
Additional Paid-In Capital (APIC)What is Additional Paid-In Capital? Additional Paid-In Capital (APIC) represents the value received in excess of the par value from issuance ...
Adjust Column Width
Adjust Column WidthHow to Adjust Column Width in Excel The following tutorial demonstrates the process of how to adjust the column width in Excel using keyboar ...
Adjusted EBITDA
Adjusted EBITDAWhat is Adjusted EBITDA? Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP measure of operating profitability determined by discretionary add-backs dictated by ...
Adjusted EBITDA Margin
Adjusted EBITDA MarginWhat is Adjusted EBITDA Margin? The Adjusted EBITDA Margin measures the core operating profitability of a company on a normalized basis, i.e ...
Adjusted Funds from Operations (AFFO)
Adjusted Funds from Operations (AFFO)What is AFFO? Adjusted Funds from Operations (AFFO) measures the financial performance of real estate investment trusts (REITs), particularl ...
Adjusted Net Income
Adjusted Net IncomeWhat is Adjusted Net Income? Adjusted Net Income is a non-GAAP measure of a company’s net profitability, from which the effects of non-cash ...
Adjusted Present Value (APV)
Adjusted Present Value (APV)What is Adjusted Present Value (APV)? The Adjusted Present Value (APV) is defined as the sum of the present value of a project assuming sole ...
Advanced LBO Modeling Test
Advanced LBO Modeling TestAdvanced LBO Modeling Test: Training Guide The following Advanced LBO Modeling Test training guide provides a step-by-step tutorial to compl ...
AFFO Yield
AFFO YieldWhat is AFFO Yield? The AFFO Yield is the ratio between the AFFO per share of a REIT and its current market price, expressed as a percentage ...
After Tax Cash Flow (ATCF)
After Tax Cash Flow (ATCF)What is After Tax Cash Flow? The After Tax Cash Flow is the residual income generated by a real estate property investment once tax obligati ...
After-Repair Value (ARV)
After-Repair Value (ARV)What is After-Repair Value? The After-Repair Value (ARV) of a commercial rental property is the market value of the property upon completing ...
Align to Slide vs. Align Objects
Align to Slide vs. Align ObjectsYou have two options to choose from when using the Alignment Tool in PowerPoint: ‘Align Selected Objects’ and ‘Align to Slide’. If you don’t know how these options work (and affect the alignment of ...
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Allowance for Doubtful AccountsWhat is Allowance for Doubtful Accounts? The Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is a contra-asset account that estimates the future losses incu ...
Alpha (α)
Alpha (α)What is Alpha? Alpha (α) in finance is a measure of the excess return on an investment or portfolio above the benchmark return.
Alternative Investments
Alternative InvestmentsWhat are Alternative Investments? Alternative Investments are comprised of non-traditional asset classes, such as private equity, hedge fund ...
Altman Z-Score
Altman Z-ScoreWhat is the Altman Z-Score? The Altman Z-Score, designed by NYU Professor Edward Altman, is a model used to predict the near-term likelihood ...
Amazon Valuation Model (AMZN)
Amazon Valuation Model (AMZN)What is the Valuation of Amazon? Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) is an e-commerce company that offers online retail shopping and advertising services ...
Amortization of Intangible Assets
Amortization of Intangible AssetsWhat is Amortization of Intangible Assets? The Amortization of Intangible Assets is the accounting process whereby purchases of non-physical ...
Annual Contract Value (ACV)
Annual Contract Value (ACV)What is Annual Contract Value (ACV)? The Annual Contract Value (ACV) refers to the annualized revenue per customer contract, excluding any o ...
Annual Income
Annual IncomeWhat is Annual Income? Annual Income, or yearly income”, refers to the total earnings generated by an individual or corporation over a ...
Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
Annual Percentage Rate (APR)What is APR? The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the interest rate charged by a lender on a yearly basis, expressed in the form of a percent ...
Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
Annual Percentage Yield (APY)What is APY? The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) calculates the interest rate earned on a deposit or investment while incorporating the effect ...
Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)
Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)What is Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)? Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) estimates the predictable revenue generated per year by a SaaS compan ...
Annual Report
Annual ReportWhat is the Annual Report? The two terms, Annual Report and Form 10-K, are often used interchangeably. However, the annual report is more ma ...
AnnuityWhat is an Annuity? An Annuity is a type of bond that offers a stream of periodic interest payments to the holder until the date of maturity ...
ARR Multiple
ARR MultipleWhat is ARR Multiple in SaaS? The ARR Multiple is an industry-specific valuation ratio commonly used in the SaaS industry and for subscripti ...
ASC 606
ASC 606What is ASC 606? ASC 606 is the revenue recognition standard established by the FASB and IASB that governs how revenue generated by public a ...
Asset Backed Securities (ABS)
Asset Backed Securities (ABS)What is ABS? Asset Backed Securities (ABS) are financial instruments collateralized by an underlying set of liquid, financial assets pledged ...
Asset Coverage Ratio
Asset Coverage RatioWhat is the Asset Coverage Ratio? The Asset Coverage Ratio measures the number of times a company could hypothetically repay its debt obliga ...
Asset Sale vs. Stock Sale
Asset Sale vs. Stock SaleWhen one company acquires another company, what does the seller actually give the buyer? The answer depends on whether the deal is structured legally as a stock sale or as an asset sale. Broadly ...
Asset Turnover Ratio
Asset Turnover RatioWhat is Asset Turnover Ratio? The Asset Turnover Ratio is a financial metric that measures the efficiency at which a company utilizes its as ...
AssetsWhat are Assets? Assets are resources with positive economic value that can either be sold for money if liquidated or be used to generate fu ...
Assets Under Management (AUM)
Assets Under Management (AUM)What is Assets Under Management? Assets Under Management (AUM) refers to the market value of the capital contributed to a fund, from which a ...
Attrition Rate
Attrition RateWhat is Attrition Rate? The Attrition Rate measures the percentage at which a company’s employees churned over a predefined period (i. ...
Average Annual Growth Rate (AAGR)
Average Annual Growth Rate (AAGR)What is the Average Annual Growth Rate (AAGR)? The Average Annual Growth Rate (AAGR) is calculated by taking the arithmetic mean of a series ...
Average Collection Period
Average Collection PeriodWhat is the Average Collection Period? The Average Collection Period represents the number of days that a company needs to collect cash paym ...
Average Cost (Per Unit Cost)
Average Cost (Per Unit Cost)What is Average Cost? The Average Cost, or “per unit cost”, is an economic term that describes the approximate cost incurred to manufacture ...
Average Cost Method
Average Cost MethodWhat is the Average Cost Method? The Average Cost Method assigns inventory costs using a weighted average approach, wherein the costs of pro ...
Average Daily Rate (ADR)
Average Daily Rate (ADR)What is the Average Daily Rate? The Average Daily Rate (ADR) measures the average revenue generated per occupied room or rental unit, expres ...
Average Fixed Cost (AFC)
Average Fixed Cost (AFC)What is Average Fixed Cost? The Average Fixed Cost (AFC) is the fixed costs incurred by a company that remain constant irrespective of outpu ...
Average Inventory Period
Average Inventory PeriodWhat is Average Inventory Period? The Average Inventory Period is the approximate number of days it takes a company to cycle through its inv ...
Average Order Value (AOV)
Average Order Value (AOV)What is AOV? Average Order Value (AOV) estimates the typical amount spent by a customer in each order, commonly placed on a website (i.e. e- ...
Average Payment Period
Average Payment PeriodWhat is the Average Payment Period? The Average Payment Period represents the approximate number of days it takes a company to fulfill its u ...
Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA)
Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA)What is Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA)? Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA) quantifies a SaaS or subscription-based company’s avera ...
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)What is ARPU? The Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) quantifies the amount of revenue generated on average from each customer. The implied ARPU ...
Average Selling Price (ASP)
Average Selling Price (ASP)What is Average Selling Price? The Average Selling Price (ASP) is a financial metric that measures the approximate amount paid by a customer ...
Average Time on Page
Average Time on PageWhat is Average Time on Page? The Average Time on Page measures the approximate time spent on a specific webpage by the visitors of a websit ...
Average Total Cost (ATC)
Average Total Cost (ATC)What is Average Total Cost? The Average Total Cost (ATC) is the total cost per unit of output, inclusive of both fixed costs and variable co ...
Average Variable Cost (AVC)
Average Variable Cost (AVC)What is Average Variable Cost? The Average Variable Cost (AVC) is the variable cost per unit incurred by a business across a given period. T ...
Backward Integration
Backward IntegrationWhat is Backward Integration? Backward Integration is a strategy where a company gains more control over the functions in the earlier stages ...
Bad Debt
Bad DebtWhat is Bad Debt? The Bad Debt Expense is a company’s outstanding receivables that were determined to be uncollectible and are thereby treat ...
Balance of Trade
Balance of TradeWhat is Balance of Trade? The Balance of Trade is the value of a country’s exports (“outflows”) minus the value of its imports (“inflows”). ...
Balance Sheet
Balance SheetWhat is Balance Sheet? The Balance Sheet—or Statement of Financial Position—is a core financial statement that reports a snapshot of a compa ...
Balance Sheet Forecasting Guide
Balance Sheet Forecasting GuideHow to Forecast the Balance Sheet Our Balance Sheet Forecasting Guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to forecast the key line ite ...
Balance Sheet Projection Guide
Balance Sheet Projection GuideIn a finance and investment banking interview, candidates will almost certainly be asked questions that test their understanding of the relationship between the balance sheet income statement, and cash flow statement. The reason is ...
Bank Debt vs. Bonds
Bank Debt vs. BondsWhat is Bank Debt? Bank Debt is the most common form of corporate debt, which at the most basic level is conceptually the same as any other ...
Bank Efficiency Ratio
Bank Efficiency RatioWhat is the Efficiency Ratio? The Efficiency Ratio is a risk measure used to evaluate the cost-efficiency and profitability of a bank. The o ...
Bank Run
Bank RunWhat is a Bank Run? A Bank Run occurs when customers start to collectively withdraw their funds from banks under the belief that the bank is ...
Barriers to Entry
Barriers to EntryWhat are Barriers to Entry? Barriers to Entry deter new entrants from entering a market and protect the profits of existing incumbents. The ...
Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS)
Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS)What is Basic EPS? The Basic EPS is a profitability ratio used to measure the residual net income allocatable to common shareholders on a pe ...
Basic Earnings Power Ratio
Basic Earnings Power RatioWhat is Basic Earnings Power Ratio? The Basic Earnings Power Ratio determines the efficiency at which a company utilizes its assets to produ ...
Basic LBO Modeling Test
Basic LBO Modeling TestWhat is an LBO Model Test? The LBO Model Test refers to a common interview exercise given to prospective candidates during the private equit ...
Basics of an LBO Model
Basics of an LBO ModelHow to Build an LBO Model LBO Modeling is a method to measure the implied returns on a leveraged buyout transaction (LBO), which is a specia ...
Basis Points (bps)
Basis Points (bps)What are Basis Points? Basis Points (bps) represent a unit of measurement for interest rates in finance and are equal to 1/100th of 1.0%. Th ...
BCG Growth Share Matrix
BCG Growth Share MatrixWhat is BCG Growth Share Matrix? The BCG Growth Share Matrix is a framework designed for companies to better understand a market’s cur ...
Before-Tax Cash Flow (BTCF)
Before-Tax Cash Flow (BTCF)What is Before-Tax Cash Flow? The Before-Tax Cash Flow (BTCF) is the rental income generated by a property prior to the deduction of income ...
Berry Ratio
Berry RatioWhat is the Berry Ratio? The Berry Ratio is a profitability measure used to compare a company’s gross profit to its operating expenses, such ...
Bessemer Efficiency Score
Bessemer Efficiency ScoreWhat is the Bessemer Efficiency Score? The Bessemer Efficiency Score is a measure of capital allocation and spending habits to determine the ...
Best Financial Newsletters
Best Financial NewslettersWhat are the Best Finance Newsletters? Financial Newsletters are the preferred option for practitioners to stay on top of the markets and be ...
Beta (β)
Beta (β)What is Beta in Finance? Beta (β) measures the sensitivity of a security or portfolio of securities to systematic risk (i.e. volatility) rel ...
Bid-Ask Spread
Bid-Ask SpreadWhat is the Bid-Ask Spread? The Bid-Ask Spread represents the difference between the quoted ask price and the quoted bid price of a security ...
Black Swan Event
Black Swan EventWhat is a Black Swan Event? A Black Swan Event is a metaphor describing a rare, unexpected phenomenon with a low probability of occurrence y ...
Bloomberg vs. Capital IQ vs. Factset vs. Refinitiv
Bloomberg vs. Capital IQ vs. Factset vs. RefinitivBloomberg vs. Capital IQ (CapIQ) vs. Factset vs. Refinitiv Bloomberg, Capital IQ (CapIQ), Factset and Refinitiv are the leading providers of ...
Blue Ocean Strategy
Blue Ocean StrategyWhat is Blue Ocean Strategy? The Blue Ocean Strategy is oriented around creating a market and generating consumer demand for a new product o ...
BMC Software Recapitalization
BMC Software RecapitalizationBMC Software Recapitalization In our LBO Modeling courses, our students learn that private equity investors have 3 strategies that they can ...
BoA Staffing Structure Changes
BoA Staffing Structure ChangesBank of America this morning announced that it will fire 2,000 investment bankers on top of the 30,000 announced last year in an attempt to regain profitability. This looked like another run-of-the-mill mega-bank layoff ...
Bond Yield
Bond YieldWhat is Bond Yield? The Bond Yield is the rate of return expected to be received by a bondholder from the date of original issuance until ma ...
Bonds Payable
Bonds PayableWhat are Bonds Payable? Bonds Payable are a form of debt financing issued by corporations, governments, and other entities in order to raise ...
Book Value of Equity (BVE)
Book Value of Equity (BVE)What is Book Value of Equity? The Book Value of Equity (BVE) is the residual proceeds received by the common shareholders of a company if al ...
Book Value Per Share (BVPS)
Book Value Per Share (BVPS)What is Book Value Per Share? The Book Value Per Share (BVPS) is the per-share value of equity on an accrual accounting basis that belongs t ...
Bookings vs. Billings
Bookings vs. BillingsWhat are Bookings vs. Billings? Bookings are a SaaS metric that represents the value of a customer contract with a contractual spending comm ...
Borrowing Base
Borrowing BaseWhat is Borrowing Base? The Borrowing Base is the limit placed by a lender on a financing arrangement based on the collateral pledged to sec ...
Bottom Up Forecasting
Bottom Up ForecastingWhat is Bottom Up Forecasting? Bottom Up Forecasting consists of breaking a business apart into the underlying components that ultimately dr ...
Boutique Investment Banks
Boutique Investment Banks*Updated for 2023: List of Boutique and Middle-Market Investment Banks* Miller Buckfire & Co. (Restructuring focused) Morgan Keegan & Co. WR Hambrecht & Co. Montgomery & Co. (Media & Internet and Technology focused) Stephens, Inc. ...
Break Even Point (BEP)
Break Even Point (BEP)What is Break-Even Point? The Break-Even Point (BEP) is the inflection point at which the revenue output of a company is equal to its total ...
Break-Even Analysis
Break-Even AnalysisWhat is Break-Even Analysis? Break-Even Analysis quantifies the total number of units that must be sold, or the minimum sales threshold, for ...
Breakeven Occupancy Ratio
Breakeven Occupancy RatioWhat is Breakeven Occupancy? The Breakeven Occupancy Ratio is the minimum occupancy rate threshold of a property to ensure its operating exp ...
Breakup Fees and Reverse Termination Fees in M&A
Breakup Fees and Reverse Termination Fees in M&AA breakup fee refers to a payment a seller owes a buyer should a deal fall through due to reasons explicitly specified in the merger agreement. For example, when Microsoft acquired LinkedIn in June ...
Bridge Loan
Bridge LoanWhat is Bridge Loan? A Bridge Loan is a source of short-term financing until the borrower secures long-term financing or removes an existing ...
Bridging the Generational Divide
Bridging the Generational DivideThe world is evolving rapidly, and these transformations have significant implications for every sector, including finance. In a recent webinar hosted by Wall Street Prep, panelists explored the impact of these changes, particularly in ...
Budget to Actual Variance Analysis
Budget to Actual Variance AnalysisWhat is Budget to Actual Variance Analysis? Budget to Actual Variance Analysis is among one of the key functions for a FP&A professional ...
Bulge Bracket Investment Banks
Bulge Bracket Investment BanksWall Street Prep put together this list of the top global bulge bracket investment banks. Learn more about these prestigious banks below. Bank of America Merrill Lynch Barclays Capital Citi Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank ...
Bullet Loan
Bullet LoanWhat is a Bullet Loan? For a Bullet Loan, the entire principal of the debt obligation is repaid in a single, “lump sum” payment on the date ...
Burn Multiple
Burn MultipleWhat is the Burn Multiple? The Burn Multiple measures the amount a startup is spending in order to generate each incremental dollar of annua ...
Burn Rate
Burn RateWhat is Burn Rate? The Burn Rate is the rate at which a company spends its cash, most often used to analyze the spending of early-stage star ...
Buy Side vs. Sell Side
Buy Side vs. Sell SideYou'll often hear finance professionals describe their role as being either on the “sell side” or on the “buy side.” As is the case with a lot of finance jargon, what this exactly means ...
Buyback Yield
Buyback YieldWhat is Buyback Yield? The Buyback Yield is the ratio between the value of a company’s net stock repurchases and its market capitaliza ...
CAC Payback Period
CAC Payback PeriodWhat is CAC Payback Period? The CAC Payback Period is the number of months needed by a company to recoup the initial costs incurred in the p ...
CalendarizationWhat is Calendarization? Calendarization is the adjustment of a company’s financial data and operating performance to align with the calenda ...
Callable Bond
Callable BondWhat is a Callable Bond? A Callable Bond contains an embedded call provision, in which the issuer can redeem a portion (or all) of the bonds ...
Cap Rate Compression
Cap Rate CompressionWhat is Cap Rate Compression? Cap Rate Compression occurs if the cap rates of properties in a particular real estate market decline relative ...
Cap Rate Expansion
Cap Rate ExpansionWhat is Cap Rate Expansion? Cap Rate Expansion refers to the scenario in which the capitalization rate of real estate assets such as propert ...
Cap Rate Primer
Cap Rate PrimerWhat is Cap Rate? Cap Rate—short for Capitalization Rate—is a measure of the expected rate of return on a real estate investment, such as a ...
Cap Rate Spread
Cap Rate SpreadWhat is Cap Rate Spread? The Cap Rate Spread is the delta between the 10-year Treasury note yield and cap rates in the broader real estate m ...
Cap Rate vs. Cash on Cash Return
Cap Rate vs. Cash on Cash ReturnCap Rate vs. Cash on Cash Return: What is the Difference? The Cap Rate and Cash-on-Cash Return are two common return metrics in commercial r ...
Cap Rates and Interest Rates
Cap Rates and Interest RatesWhat are Cap Rates and Interest Rates? Cap Rates and Interest Rates in the commercial real estate (CRE) market are two highly correlated var ...
Capex to Cash Flow Ratio
Capex to Cash Flow RatioWhat is Capex to Cash Flow Ratio? The Capex to Cash Flow Ratio is the percentage of a company’s operating cash flow (OCF) allocated to ...
Capex vs. Opex
Capex vs. OpexWhat is Capex vs. Opex? The distinction between Capex vs. Opex comes down to the intent behind the spending and the timing of the resulting ...
Capital Acquisition Ratio
Capital Acquisition RatioWhat is Capital Acquisition Ratio? The Capital Acquisition Ratio measures a company’s capacity to fund its capital expenditures (Capex ...
Capital Allocation
Capital AllocationWhat is Capital Allocation? Capital Allocation is the process of strategically distributing resources to maximize profits and create positiv ...
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)What is CAPM? The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) estimates the expected return on an investment based on the perceived systematic risk. ...
Capital Expenditure (Capex)
Capital Expenditure (Capex)What is Capital Expenditure? Capital Expenditure (Capex) refers to a company’s long-term investments in fixed assets (PP&E) to fac ...
Capital Gain
Capital GainWhat is Capital Gain? A Capital Gain occurs when the value of an investment – typically in equity (stocks) or debt instruments – rises above ...
Capital Gains Yield (CGY)
Capital Gains Yield (CGY)What is Capital Gains Yield? The Capital Gains Yield measures the percent increase or decrease in the price of a security, namely a common s ...
Capital Intensity Ratio
Capital Intensity RatioWhat is the Capital Intensity Ratio? The Capital Intensity Ratio is a method to measure the reliance on asset purchases by a company to sust ...
Capital Lease
Capital LeaseWhat is a Capital Lease? A Capital Lease represents a long-term contractual agreement, where a company (i.e. the lessee) can rent a fixed as ...
Capital Stack
Capital StackWhat is Capital Stack? The Capital Stack is the structure of financing sources used to fund a real estate investment, such as a commercial p ...
Capital Structure
Capital StructureWhat is Capital Structure? The Capital Structure is the mixture of debt, preferred stock, and common equity used by a company to fund its op ...
Capital Turnover
Capital TurnoverWhat is Capital Turnover? The Capital Turnover is a financial ratio that measures the efficiency at which a company can use its equity fundi ...
Capitalization Ratio
Capitalization RatioWhat is Capitalization Ratio? The Capitalization Ratio measures the proportion of a company’s operations funded by debt, most often to analy ...
Capitalization Table
Capitalization TableWhat is Cap Table? The Cap Table is tracked by venture capital (VC) firms to provide a summary of the current capitalization (i.e. equity ow ...
Capitalize vs. Expense
Capitalize vs. ExpenseWhen to Capitalize vs. Expense a Cost? The Capitalize vs Expense accounting treatment decision is determined by an item’s useful life ...
Capitalized Software Costs
Capitalized Software CostsWhat are Capitalized Software Costs? Capitalized Software Costs are costs such as programmer compensation, software testing and other direct ...
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash EquivalentsWhat are Cash and Cash Equivalents? Cash and Cash Equivalents is a categorization on the balance sheet consisting of cash and current assets ...
Cash Available for Debt Service (CADS)
Cash Available for Debt Service (CADS)What is Cash Available for Debt Service (CADS)? Cash Available for Debt Service (CADS) is arguably the most important metric in project fina ...
Cash Available for Distribution (CAD)
Cash Available for Distribution (CAD)What is Cash Available for Distribution (CAD)? Cash Available for Distribution (CAD) quantifies the cash on hand that a real estate investme ...
Cash Collateral Motion
Cash Collateral MotionWhat is the Cash Collateral Motion in Chapter 11? Cash Collateral is defined as cash, cash equivalents like marketable securities, and the p ...
Cash Conversion Cycle
Cash Conversion CycleWhat is Cash Conversion Cycle? The Cash Conversion Cycle is an estimate of the approximate number of days it takes a company to convert its ...
Cash Conversion Ratio (CCR)
Cash Conversion Ratio (CCR)What is Cash Conversion Ratio? The Cash Conversion Ratio (CCR) measures the efficiency at which a company is able to convert its net income ...
Cash Coverage Ratio
Cash Coverage RatioWhat is Cash Coverage Ratio? The Cash Coverage Ratio measures liquidity risk by comparing a company’s EBITDA to its cash interest expense. T ...
Cash EPS
Cash EPSWhat is Cash EPS? The Cash EPS is a non-GAAP profitability ratio that compares a company’s operating cash flow (OCF) to its diluted we ...
Cash Flow Adequacy Ratio
Cash Flow Adequacy RatioWhat is the Cash Flow Adequacy Ratio? The Cash Flow Adequacy Ratio determines if the cash flows generated by a company are sufficient to pay ...
Cash Flow Coverage Ratio
Cash Flow Coverage RatioWhat is Cash Flow Coverage Ratio? The Cash Flow Coverage Ratio (CFCR) is a credit metric that compares a company’s operating cash flow (OCF) ...
Cash Flow Drivers
Cash Flow DriversWhat are Cash Flow Drivers? Cash Flow Drivers determine the sustainability and future growth trajectory of a company, as they are byproducts ...
Cash Flow from Financing (CFF)
Cash Flow from Financing (CFF)What is Cash Flow from Financing Activities? Cash Flow from Financing Activities tracks the net change in cash related to raising capital (e ...
Cash Flow from Investing (CFI)
Cash Flow from Investing (CFI)What is Cash Flow from Investing Activities? Cash Flow from Investing Activities accounts for purchases of long-term assets, namely capital ...
Cash Flow from Operations (CFO)
Cash Flow from Operations (CFO)What is Cash Flow from Operating Activities? Cash Flow from Operating Activities represents the total amount of cash generated from operatin ...
Cash Flow Per Share
Cash Flow Per ShareWhat is the Cash Flow Per Share? The Cash Flow Per Share measures the operating cash flow (OCF) generated by a company that is attributable ...
Cash Flow Statement (CFS)
Cash Flow Statement (CFS)What is Cash Flow Statement? The Cash Flow Statement (CFS) is a financial statement that reconciles net income based on the actual cash infl ...
Cash on Cash Return
Cash on Cash ReturnWhat is Cash on Cash Return? The Cash on Cash Return compares a real estate investment property’s annual pre-tax cash flow to the init ...
Cash Ratio
Cash RatioWhat is the Cash Ratio? The Cash Ratio compares a company’s cash and cash equivalents to its current liabilities and short-term debt obligat ...
Cash Runway
Cash RunwayWhat is Cash Runway? The Cash Runway measures the implied amount of time that an early-stage startup can continue operating at a loss before ...
Cash Sweep
Cash SweepWhat is a Cash Sweep? The Cash Sweep refers to the optional prepayment of debt using excess free cash flows in advance of the originally sch ...
Cash Turnover Ratio
Cash Turnover RatioWhat is Cash Turnover Ratio? The Cash Turnover Ratio is an efficiency ratio that compares the net revenue and average cash and cash equivale ...
Cash vs. Stock Acquisition
Cash vs. Stock AcquisitionIn acquisitions, buyers usually pay the seller with cold, hard cash. However, the buyer can also offer the seller acquirer stock as a form of consideration. According to Thomson Reuters, 33.3% of deals in the ...
Cash-Free Debt-Free (CFDF)
Cash-Free Debt-Free (CFDF)What is Cash Free Debt Free? Cash Free Debt Free (CFDF) is a transaction structure where the buyer does not assume any debt on the seller ...
Center Across Selection
Center Across SelectionWhat is Center Across Selection in Excel? The Center Across Selection feature in Excel aligns text horizontally across multiple columns, wit ...
Certificate of Deposit (CD)
Certificate of Deposit (CD)What is a Certificate of Deposit? A Certificate of Deposit (CD) offers higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts in exchange f ...
Change in Net Working Capital (NWC)
Change in Net Working Capital (NWC)What is Change in Net Working Capital? The Change in Net Working Capital (NWC) measures the net change in a company’s operating assets ...
Chapter 11 vs. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Chapter 11 vs. Chapter 7 BankruptcyChapter 11 vs. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: What is the Difference? If filing for bankruptcy protection has become necessary, Chapter 11 Bankruptcy ...
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Guide
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) GuideWhat is the CFA Designation? The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation is a globally recognized credential for investment and financ ...
CHOOSE Function
CHOOSE FunctionWhat is the Excel CHOOSE Function? The CHOOSE Function in Excel returns the value of a cell based on a specified position and range.
Churn Rate
Churn RateWhat is Churn Rate? The Churn Rate measures the percentage of a SaaS company’s existing customers that opted to cancel their subscriptions ( ...
Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Click-Through Rate (CTR)What is Click-Through Rate? The Click-Through Rate (CTR) measures the effectiveness of an ad by dividing the number of clicks on the ad (or ...
COGS Margin
COGS MarginWhat is COGS Margin? The COGS Margin is the ratio between a company’s cost of goods sold and revenue, expressed in the form of a percentage.
COGS vs. Operating Expenses
COGS vs. Operating ExpensesCOGS vs. Operating Expenses: What is the Difference? Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) are the direct costs incurred from selling products or servic ...
CollateralWhat is Collateral? Collateral is an item of value that borrowers can pledge to lenders to obtain a loan or a line of credit. Oftentimes, le ...
CollateralizationWhat is Collateralization? Collateralization describes the process in which a loan agreement is secured by a borrower from pledging an asset ...
Combined Loan to Value (CLTV)
Combined Loan to Value (CLTV)What is Combined Loan to Value (CLTV)? The Combined Loan to Value (CLTV) is an underwriting ratio that measures risk by comparing the total ...
Command Economy
Command EconomyWhat is Command Economy? The Command Economy is an economic system in which the central government is in a position to control and dictate t ...
Commercial Banking and Retail Brokerage
Commercial Banking and Retail BrokerageFrom 1932 until 1999 there was a law called The Glass-Steagall Act, which said that commercial banks can lend money, extend lines of credit, and open checking and savings accounts, while investment banks can underwrite ...
Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS)
Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS)What is a CMBS Loan? Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS) are a structured finance product, whereby a collateralized loan is secured ...
Commercial Paper
Commercial PaperWhat is Commercial Paper? Commercial Paper is a form of short-term, unsecured debt, most often issued by corporates and financial institutio ...
Commitment Fee
Commitment FeeWhat is Commitment Fee? The Commitment Fee is a fee charged by lenders to borrowers on the unused portion (i.e. the undrawn portion) of a li ...
Committed Monthly Recurring Revenue (CMRR)
Committed Monthly Recurring Revenue (CMRR)What is CMRR? CMRR—or Committed Monthly Recurring Revenue—is a SaaS company’s monthly recurring revenue (MRR) that takes into account new bo ...
CommoditiesWhat are Commodities? Commodities are basic goods used for both consumption and production but also for physical exchanges and trading deriv ...
CommoditizationWhat is Commoditization? Commoditization is the occurrence wherein a product with economic value, formerly distinguished by its unique attri ...
Common Area Maintenance (CAM)
Common Area Maintenance (CAM)What is Common Area Maintenance? Common Area Maintenance (CAM) refers to the fees incurred by tenants on top of their base rent that are use ...
Common DCF Model Mistakes
Common DCF Model MistakesWhat are the Common DCF Mistakes? The DCF model relies significantly on forward-looking projections and discretionary assumptions, making it ...
Common Sections of a Project Finance Model
Common Sections of a Project Finance ModelBelow is a simplified representation of a Project finance model structure. Each of these blocks (e.g. “Cons”) represents a different calculation module. The cast of characters here is Ops = Operations, D&T = Depreciation ...
Comparable Company Analysis
Comparable Company AnalysisWhat is Comparable Company Analysis? Comparable Company Analysis is a relative valuation method in which a company’s value is derived ...
Competitive Pricing
Competitive PricingWhat is Competitive Pricing? Competitive Pricing is a method by which companies set the prices of their goods and services relative to the m ...
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)What is CAGR? CAGR—or “Compound Annual Growth Rate”—is the annualized rate of growth in the value of an investment or financial ...
Compound Interest
Compound InterestWhat is Compound Interest? Compound Interest is the incremental interest earned on the original principal (or deposit amount) and the accrue ...
Compound Monthly Growth Rate (CMGR)
Compound Monthly Growth Rate (CMGR)What is CMGR? Compound Monthly Growth Rate (CMGR) is a metric used to measure the month-over-month growth rate of a value, with the implicit ...
Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM)
Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM)What is a CIM? A Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) is an M&A document prepared by a company in an effort to solicit indications ...
Conglomerate Merger
Conglomerate MergerWhat is Conglomerate Merger? A Conglomerate Merger is the combination of two or more companies that each operate in distinct, seemingly unre ...
Conservatism Principle
Conservatism PrincipleWhat is the Conservatism Principle? The Conservatism Principle states that gains should be recorded only if their occurrence is certain, but ...
Consumer Surplus
Consumer SurplusWhat is Consumer Surplus? A Consumer Surplus is present when the actual prices paid by consumers for goods and services are less than the ma ...
Contingent Liabilities
Contingent LiabilitiesWhat are Contingent Liabilities? Contingent Liabilities must be recorded if the contingency is deemed probable and the expected loss can be ...
Contra Account
Contra AccountWhat is Contra Account? A Contra Account carries a balance (i.e. debit or credit) that offsets the normal account, thereby reducing the pair ...
Contra Liability Account
Contra Liability AccountWhat is a Contra Liability? A Contra Liability carries a debit balance rather than a credit balance, which is the opposite of the normal bal ...
Contribution Margin
Contribution MarginWhat is Contribution Margin? The Contribution Margin is the incremental profit earned on each unit of product sold, calculated by subtractin ...
Contribution Margin Ratio
Contribution Margin RatioWhat is Contribution Margin Ratio? The Contribution Margin Ratio is the product revenue remaining after deducting all variable costs, expres ...
Control Premium
Control PremiumWhat is Control Premium? The Control Premium is the differential between the offer price per share and the unaffected market share price of ...
Conversion Rate
Conversion RateWhat is Conversion Rate? The Conversion Rate refers to the number of conversions (e.g. orders placed, subscribers, trial sign-ups), expresse ...
Conversion Ratio
Conversion RatioWhat is the Conversion Ratio? The Conversion Ratio refers to the number of shares of common stock that a convertible security holder is enti ...
Convertible Bonds
Convertible BondsWhat are Convertible Bonds? Convertible Bonds are fixed-income issuances structured with a conversion option to exchange them for a certain ...
Convertible Note
Convertible NoteWhat is a Convertible Note? A Convertible Note is a form of short-term financing wherein the loan converts into equity rather than being rep ...
Corporate Banking Debt
Corporate Banking DebtThe corporate bank falls within the investment banking division of financial institutions that have a balance sheet (meaning they make their own loans). Next we turn to the corporate banks other core product: Term ...
Corporate Banking Guide
Corporate Banking GuideWhat is Corporate Banking? Corporate Banking is a division of a bank responsible for putting together loans to corporations, financial insti ...
Corporate Bonds
Corporate BondsWhat are Corporate Bonds? Corporate Bonds are debt issuances by public and private companies to raise capital in exchange for periodic inter ...
Corporate Restructuring Primer
Corporate Restructuring PrimerWhat is Corporate Restructuring? Corporate Restructuring is the financial reorganization of a distressed business with a capital structure d ...
Corporate Takeover
Corporate TakeoverWhat is Corporate Takeover? A Corporate Takeover describes an acquisition of a company, in which the acquirer obtains a controlling stake in ...
Cost Approach
Cost ApproachWhat is Cost Approach? The Cost Approach is a real estate appraisal method that estimates a property’s valuation based on the cost to ...
Cost of Capital
Cost of CapitalWhat is Cost of Capital? The Cost of Capital is the minimum rate of return, or hurdle rate, required on a particular investment for the incr ...
Cost of Debt (kd)
Cost of Debt (kd)What is Cost of Debt? The Cost of Debt is the minimum rate of return that debt holders require to take on the burden of providing debt finan ...
Cost of Equity (ke)
Cost of Equity (ke)What is Cost of Equity? The Cost of Equity (ke) is the minimum threshold for the required rate of return for equity investors, which is a fu ...
Cost of Goods Manufactured (COGM)
Cost of Goods Manufactured (COGM)What is the Cost of Goods Manufactured (COGM)? The Cost of Goods Manufactured (COGM) represents the total costs incurred in the process of c ...
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)What is Cost of Goods Sold? Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), otherwise known as the “cost of sales”, refers to the direct costs incurred by a comp ...
Cost of Preferred Stock (kp)
Cost of Preferred Stock (kp)What is Cost of Preferred Stock? The Cost of Preferred Stock represents the rate of return required by preferred shareholders and is calcula ...
Cost Per Lead (CPL)
Cost Per Lead (CPL)What is Cost Per Lead? The Cost Per Lead (CPL) is the dollar amount spent on ad and marketing campaigns to acquire a new lead, i.e. a potent ...
Cost Structure
Cost StructureWhat is Cost Structure? The Cost Structure of a business model is defined as the composition of fixed costs and variable costs within the to ...
Cost Variance
Cost VarianceWhat is Cost Variance? The Cost Variance (CV) is a key performance indicator (KPI) in project management that measures the difference betwee ...
Cost-Based Pricing
Cost-Based PricingWhat is Cost-Based Pricing? Cost-Based Pricing is a business strategy whereby the selling price of a product is set based on the total produ ...
Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)
Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)What is Cost-Benefit Analysis? Cost-Benefit Analysis refers to a capital budgeting ratio wherein the estimated costs and benefits of a proje ...
Cost-Plus Pricing
Cost-Plus PricingWhat is Cost-Plus Pricing Strategy? Cost-Plus Pricing is a pricing strategy wherein a business determines the selling price of its goods and ...
COUNTA Function
COUNTA FunctionWhat is the Excel COUNTA Function? The COUNTA Function in Excel counts the number of cells that are not blank, such as those containing numb ...
COUNTIF Function
COUNTIF FunctionWhat is the Excel COUNTIF Function? The COUNTIF Function in Excel counts the number of cells that meet a specified criteria, i.e. a conditio ...
COUNTIFS FunctionWhat is the Excel COUNTIFS Function? The COUNTIFS Function in Excel counts the total number of cells that meets multiple, rather than one, c ...
Country Risk Premium (CRP)
Country Risk Premium (CRP)What is Country Risk Premium? The Country Risk Premium (CRP) is the incremental return an investor expects to earn from investing in a forei ...
Coupon Rate
Coupon RateWhat is Coupon Rate? The Coupon Rate is multiplied by the par value of a bond to determine the annual coupon payment owed by the issuer to a ...
Covenant-Lite Loans
Covenant-Lite LoansWhat are Covenant-Lite Loans? Covenant-Lite Loans, or “cov-lite” for short, are debt financing arrangements in which there are fewer restric ...
Credit Analysis
Credit AnalysisWhat is Credit Analysis? Credit Analysis is the process of evaluating the creditworthiness of a borrower using financial ratios and fundamen ...
Credit Rating
Credit RatingWhat is a Credit Rating? Credit Ratings are scoring reports published by independent credit agencies (e.g. S&P Global, Moody’s, Fitch) o ...
Credit Sales
Credit SalesWhat is Credit Sales? Credit Sales refer to the revenue earned by a company from its products or services, where the customer paid using cre ...
Credit Spread
Credit SpreadWhat is Credit Spread? The Credit Spread is the difference between the yield to maturity (YTM) on a corporate bond issuance and a benchmark ...
Creditor Claims Trading
Creditor Claims TradingWhat is Creditor Claims Trading? Creditor Claims Trading is the purchase and sale of valid claims on debtors by creditors hesitant to partic ...
Creditor Committees
Creditor CommitteesWhat is the Role of Creditor Committees in Chapter 11 Bankruptcies? In Chapter 11 bankruptcies, Creditor Committees are formed to represent ...
Critical Vendor Motion
Critical Vendor MotionWhat is the Critical Vendor Motion in Chapter 11? The Critical Vendor Motion grants post-petition debtors the ability to pay off prepetition ...
Cross-Sell Rate
Cross-Sell RateWhat is Cross-Sell Rate? The Cross-Sell Rate measures the proportion of a company’s revenue attributable to cross-selling strategies, expres ...
Cross-SellingWhat is Cross-Selling? Cross-Selling is a strategy wherein a business strives to encourage existing customers to purchase adjacent products ...
Current Assets
Current AssetsWhat are Current Assets? The Current Assets categorization on the balance sheet represents assets that can be consumed, sold, or used within ...
Current Ratio
Current RatioWhat is Current Ratio? The Current Ratio is a measure of a company’s near-term liquidity position, or more specifically, the short-term obli ...
Current Yield
Current YieldWhat is Current Yield? The Current Yield measures the expected annual return of a bond and is calculated by dividing the annual coupon by th ...
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)What is Customer Acquisition Cost? The Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a SaaS metric that measures the amount spent on average by a busin ...
Customer Concentration
Customer ConcentrationWhat is Customer Concentration? Customer Concentration refers to the risk attributable to a company’s revenue being too reliant on a small s ...
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)What is Customer Lifetime Value? Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) estimates the average profit a customer brings in for a company throughout th ...
Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)What is CSAT? Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) is a rating method used to quantify the perceived satisfaction of a company’s existing cust ...
Cyclical Stocks
Cyclical StocksWhat are Cyclical Stocks? Cyclical Stocks are publicly traded securities characterized by share prices that fluctuate along with the prevail ...