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OFFSET MATCH and Data Validation, Part 1

In this video, I’ll show you how to integrate scenarios into financial models. We’ll do this by building a drop down menu in Excel using data validation and connecting the drop down menu to the scenario analysis using the OFFSET / MATCH function.

Click here to go to Part 2 of this Quick Lesson.

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October 1, 2018 5:31 am

Great stuff,
My question:
Is there any opportunity to make let’s say a kind of Compound Scenario that would comprise of e.g. subscenarios:
Revenue growth Base case;
Operating expense margin: Best case
Interest expense as % of revenue: Weak case
Tax rate: Base case

February 3, 2023 1:52 pm

At 10 minutes 10 seconds, what shortcut did you use to fill the remaining cells in row 4?

Frederic Labrosse
May 10, 2020 12:02 am

Hello, I really liked this model as it is helping me with building my 5-year start-up model. However in one of my in of my scenarios i have a percent value of operating days based on bad weather. I would like the output of the offset to also perform a… Read more »

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