Statement of Cash Flows – Excel Tutorial (Part 1)
In this video, we’ll build a cash flow statement model given an income statement and balance sheet in Excel.
The accounting here is a simplified presentation of how the three major financial statements are interrelated and lays the foundation of financial statement models built on the job in the field of corporate finance.
Many accounting questions that we see time and again in finance interviews are designed to test the understanding explained in this exercise.
Statement of Cash Flows – Excel Template
Cash Flow Statement (Part 1)

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It was really helpful!
Good job.
Thanks for sharing, you are a smart and generous professional.
Pretty cool. Much appreciated.
Really want to thank you for this stuff.
Good job
Thanks for posting this. Great lesson.
Very helpful. Thank you.
Thanks for posting this. Great lesson.
Please send me the Excel document models you use in your tutorials.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Great resource, thanks for sharing your expertise 😉
Does this not double-count Depreciation? Once in the early add-back for D&A and once in accounting for Cash from Investing?