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ESG Investing, Green Bonds & Social Bonds

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ESG Investing, Green Bonds & Social Bonds

Included in:  Equities Markets Certification (EMC) , Fixed Income Markets Certification (FIMC©) ,

  •   26 Lessons
  •   2h 3m
  •   16,011 Students

This course is designed for those seeking to learn about the role of Sustainable Finance at an investment bank from both an issuer and investor perspective.

course image

Demystify ESG Investing, Green Bonds and Social Bonds

Understand Why Investors are Investing in ESG

The last decade has seen exponential growth in ESG investing worldwide. We'll explore the demand drivers behind this growth, and the outcomes they are seeking to achieve, and how we measure them.

Demystify Green Bonds and Social Bonds

Green Bonds and Social Bonds allowed ESG Investing to transform from niche to mainstream. Taught by a pioneering Green Bond and Social Bond Banker, we'll explore exactly how this transformation happened, and how the market formalized the structure and conventions for Green Bonds and Social Bonds.

Pricing a Green Bond

We'll analyze a recent Green Bond transaction and dive into the valuation framework of a Green Bond. US and European Investors have differentiated views on valuation and we'll discuss current market dynamics.

What You Will Learn

  • Understanding the demand dynamics of ESG Investors and Funds
  • Demystifying ESG Rating and Scoring
  • Discussion on key focuses, including reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Degree Pathways and an overview of the Paris Accord
  • What is a Green Bond, who issuers them and who invests in them
  • Recognize the adoption challenges of early Green Bonds
  • Analyze the First Syndicated Green Bond
  • Discover the growth of the Green Bond Market
  • Decode structure characteristics including Green Bond Use of Proceeds (Ring-Fenced, Tracked, Best Efforts)
  • What makes a green bond green? Green Bond Principles, Second Party Opinion, ESG Vendors
  • Evaluate a case study and pricing of a recently issued Green Bond
  • US Investor (ERISA) vs. EU Investor Pricing Dynamics
  • Recent Developments: Central banks as Green Investors (ECB / BOJ)
  • Understand the similarities and differences between Green and Social Bonds
  • Challenges to Measure Social Impact vs. Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Who is This Program For?

  • Sustainable Finance professionals at investment banks
  • ESG Investment professionals at asset managers, pension funds and insurers
  • Debt Capital Market professionals
  • Finance and Treasury professionals
  • Students looking to break into the sustainable finance industry

Course Samples

ESG Scoring
Finding Green Bonds on Bloomberg
Bloomberg TDH Trade Data History

Course TOC

ESG Investing
1. ESG Course Introduction 2:24
2. ESG Course Downloads Files
3. ESG Mutual Funds 5:23
4. Investor Rationale for ESG 5:58
5. ESG Scoring 4:17
6. ESG Reporting 6:31
7. ESG Portfolio Construction 6:00
Green Bonds and Social Bonds
8. Green Bond Overview 5:05
ESG Investing
9. Degree Pathways and the Paris Accord 5:46
Green Bonds and Social Bonds
10. Impact Investing and 1st Green Bonds 5:00
11. Initial Challenges to the Green Bond Mk 3:12
12. First Syndicated Green Bond 6:43
13. Use of Proceeds 7:12
14. Types of Green Bonds 3:24
15. Eligible Assets 4:47
16. Green Bond Certification 4:13
17. Finding Green Bonds on Bloomberg 3:24
18. Finding Green Bond Documentation 5:13
19. Green Bond Pricing 3:50
20. Bloomberg: Green Bond Pricing Process 3:09
21. Green Bond Reference Pricing 3:31
22. Bloomberg TDH Trade Data History 6:13
23. Peer Issuer for Curve Extension 6:00
24. Fair Value of Green Bond 4:50
25. International Green Bond Markets 2:42
26. Social Bonds 8:30

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